Running Analysis and Technique

Need Running Technique Analysis in Belmore? Learn how to improve your running and reduce injury risks.

Running Analysis and Technique

About the service

Running analysis, also known as gait analysis, is a specialised assessment conducted by our Lead Physiotherapist Kevin Vuong to evaluate running technique and biomechanics. It involves observing and analysing various aspects of the running gait, including posture, foot strike pattern, stride length, cadence, joint movement, and muscle activation patterns. 

A Running Analysis Session includes:

  1. Observing the individual's running gait either in person or using video recordings on a treadmill or outdoor track. Paying close attention to key biomechanical factors such as posture, alignment, and movement patterns throughout the running cycle.
  2. Analysis of how the foot contacts the ground during running, including heel striking, midfoot striking, or forefoot striking. Different foot strike patterns can affect running efficiency, impact forces, and injury risk.
  3. Assessment of the length of each stride and the rate of steps per minute (cadence). Optimal stride length and cadence can vary depending on factors such as running speed, terrain, and individual biomechanics.
  4. Evaluation of joint angles and range of motion at the hips, knees, and ankles during different phases of the running gait cycle. Abnormalities in joint motion can indicate biomechanical imbalances or compensatory movements that may contribute to injury risk.
  5. Analysis of muscle activation patterns and timing during running, particularly in the lower extremities. Weaknesses or imbalances in muscle activation can lead to inefficient movement patterns and increased stress on certain tissues, predisposing individuals to overuse injuries.
  6. In some cases, pressure sensors or force plates may be used to assess the distribution of forces under the feet during running. This information can help identify areas of excessive pressure or asymmetries that may contribute to injury risk.
  7. In addition to analyzing running mechanics, we may perform functional movement screenings to assess overall movement quality, stability, and mobility in other functional tasks related to running, such as squatting, lunging, or single-leg balance.

Based on the findings of the running analysis, we can provide personalised recommendations and interventions to address any identified biomechanical inefficiencies, muscle imbalances, or movement dysfunctions. These may include specific exercises, stretching routines, footwear recommendations, running technique modifications, or gait retraining strategies aimed at optimising running performance, reducing injury risk, and enhancing overall musculoskeletal health.

Book a Running Analysis Session today with Ground Up Physiotherapy by calling 0481 873 288 or book online!